
Pebble Labs is creating safe and effective biological solutions to sustainably protect yields and quality in food production.

We harness naturally occurring microbes from crops to deliver the power of RNA for solutions that target formidable pests and diseases.

A novel approach in the arena of biologicals

The key to our technology, Directed Biotics™, is delivery - our microbes are precision engineered to provide RNA-based protection against the diseases and pests we are targeting.

 Global food security threats are real and on the rise.

Pebble Labs technology will help feed the world.

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Feeding 2 billion more people by 2050 will require 50% more production per acre, and climate change threatens food production in new ways.

Increasing the production of crops per area of land is critically important for global food security.

Crop yields are currently growing too slowly to keep up with increasing demand.


Diseases and Pests

Diseases and pests reduce crop yields by as much as 40% each year

They don’t just reduce the amount of crop produced, they can also cause extensive damage, making the crop unsellable

Yield loss

Yield loss is estimated to cost growers $290B per year

Reducing yield loss and protecting crop quality are key to increasing production


An estimated 3.5MT of chemicals are used every year to protect against disease and pests at a cost of ~$40B

There continue to be increasing concerns around the use of these chemicals, such as water contamination and harm to beneficial insects and the soil